Andrew Carlton - TPC Scottsdale, Whistling Straits

What is your full name, and where are you from?
My name is Andrew Carlton. I am from the beautiful town of Kewaskum, Wisconsin. 
When did you first start playing golf?
I started playing golf when I was about 10 years old. I would tag along with my Dad whenever he would play (which was about once every week or two). 
When did you start caddying?
I started caddying in the summer of 2021, which happened to be Ryder Cup summer at Whistling Straits. 
Do you remember your first loop?
I do! I got done with caddie training mid-morning and my boss sent me out on the Straits on a 1pm shotgun. On our first two loops we are required to carry “single bags” just to get the hang of things. So I only caddied for one golfer. I had a fairly inexperienced golfer who was out on the Straits because of a company outing. He was a very low maintenance guy, picking up every other errant shot and dropping it next to the green. I worked with a very experienced caddie who gave me a few pointers to help with efficiency. 
How long have you caddied at your current course?
This is my 4th season at Whistling. 
Have you caddied anywhere else?
I caddie at TPC Scottsdale in the winter months. I have also caddied at Fields Ranch.  
Do you live close to the course you loop at? Can you take us through your commute and mornings at the course before you get on the grass?
My commutes are very different in my two different homes.
In Wisconsin, I live 10 minutes from Blackwolf Run and Whistling Straits. I make three turns to get into the gates. I couldn’t have a more stress free ride to both properties. 
In Scottsdale, it varies. Last year I lived in Phoenix where it required me to leave about 10-15 minutes early just to account for some morning traffic. It usually took me about 25-30 minutes to get to work. 
In terms of my mornings at work before getting on the grass, they are similar. I get in, report to my caddie master, and wait until my name is called up. We go out based on the order we come in. It takes anywhere from 5 minutes to 1.5 hours to get a loop. 
Has caddying improved your own golf game?
Caddying has improved my golf game dramatically. I feel like my biggest improvement has been reading greens. I step up to every putt knowing it has a great chance of going in. 
What are some typical things that players do that drive you nuts?
The biggest pet peeve I have is an unbelievably heavy golf bag. When people come to a challenging course like Whistling, they expect to lose a lot of balls, which is fair. But I tell everyone before the round we will need no more than eight golf balls. Typically, they don’t believe me and end up bringing 30 balls, an umbrella, a ball receiver, a fifth of vodka, and their lucky 20 pound dumbbell. 
What are some typical things that players do that you love?
I love when players put their full trust in me before we tee off. Most understand that I do this job for a living and that I know this golf course better than anyone else. There is a pretty heavy correlation that players who shoot the lowest scores are great listeners. 
Are there any indicators that a golfer will be a good player or bad player? 
I really don’t like judging a book by its cover, but as an experienced caddie, I have a pretty solid idea of what kind of a golfer you are before I meet you. Whether it’s the wear marks on your clubs, the type of headcovers you have, the type of golf bag you have, etc. 
It usually takes me about two to three swings on the range to confirm that information. 
Who is the ideal person to loop for? 
I think there is a couple of things that make up a “dream loop”. 
  1. Light bag
  2. Personable
  3. Puts trust in me
What is the weirdest thing you’ve found in a player's bag?
Flip Flops and Swim Trunks
What you have learned anything about people from looping?
Golf will humble the world’s most successful people.

1 comment

  • Troyce Postell

    Talk about humbling, but you can take the finest athletes in the world from any other sport and bring them to golf, and watch them struggle like everyone else. What a game.

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